Tuesday, February 3, 2015

7th grade owl drawings

I gave students 4 pictures of owls printed on a single sheet of paper in black and white. We made 3x3 inch view finders with construction paper and cropped in to one view of an owl eye. They made 3 thumbnail sketches and the students chose their favorite one. Drawing were scaled up on 9X9 brown bogus paper and shaded with black and white colored pencil and a pop of eye color.


  1. Wow these are amazing! You have some talented students!

  2. Wow these are amazing! You have some talented students!

    1. Thank you Abby! They all worked very hard!

  3. what is bogus paper? Is it like craft paper?

  4. Bogus paper is made from all sorts of recycled paper materials – Kraft paper, corrugated board, chipboard, newsprint … pretty much anything they can throw into the mix. As a result, bogus is not as strong as recycled Kraft, but much softer and less dense.
